Ben MacPherson’s trust in Labour is bizarre and absurd

Below is a link to SNP MSP Ben MacPherson’s full article in the Scotsman. He’s my local MSP and this article is very disappointing from any SNP member never mind an MSP and a Minister.

So Labour are just going to hand us some lovely new powers even though Sir Keir Starmer has utter contempt for both the SNP and Scottish democracy! Any Gordon Brown inspired Labour powers would be very limited and would just be a sop to stop us voting for the full normal powers of independence.

We’ll negotiate more powers from Labour? Aye right! Gradually get ‘more independence’, from who? The British Government is trying to roll back our existing powers and has now resorted to directly blocking legislation passed in the Scottish Parliament.

Ben has backed Humza but it looks like Humza himself is against these plans. Whoever becomes SNP leader (hopefully Kate Forbes) will fight hard for independence and needs MSP colleagues who won’t give up on it.

It seems to me to be totally naive to think any Westminster government is going to hand us anything substantial when they are actually actively undermining the existing devolved settlement right now. ‘Sir Keir’ will be different? Who actually believes this?! I certainly don’t.

Ben seems to have a lot more faith in a Labour Government than any of his parliamentary colleagues and it makes you wonder if he is in the right party. Yes, have new ideas about tactics but suggesting ‘parking independence’ is utterly foreign to the beliefs of all SNP members, voters and activists.

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