Don’t blame Susan Calman for Scotsman’s daft story

I posted this via Twitter:

Re this story on Scotsman:

Hi Susan, I have just listened to one of your shows which I quite enjoyed.

Comedians mine their subconscious which is a brave thing to do. Discussing Scotland on TV is a good thing so keep it up.

Remember the British establishment used your blog to attack Scotland/independence today. Why do you think that was?

I suspect it’s because you said (after slagging it off a bit) that you were ‘proud to be Scottish’

Who benefits if Scotland remains invisible internationally? Not the Scots.

Research more about the enlightenment period. In fact it was a period of horrific political oppression.

I suspect someone has led you up the garden path. Think about it and realise the Scots don’t knive our own


And on the Scotsman site itself:

The British establishment have jumped on this story with large jackboots however when you get right down to it Ms Calman has done nothing wrong.

She published a blog arguing that we should not shy away from political humour about Scotland which was fair enough.

She did not say in it she had received death threats though this daft story suggests she did. She said she thought there was some online criticism but she hadn’t looked it up to find out.

Having listened to one of her routines (all the way through) at the end she says she is ‘proud to be Scottish’ which is something her new ‘supporters’ like Jim Murphy and Brian Wilson would never say.

Comedians are quite brave folk, who mine their subconscious for jokes. I think Susan’s routines are a bit Boswellish in bits but that is the nature of the views of many in our society. The Britman has used an innocent blog to attack independence and ‘cybernats’.

The comments below try to attack Scotland on a bizarre basis suggesting we are all humourless anti-English bigots who are desperate to take our opponents out of their bed in the middle of the night and shoot them, conjuring up some kind of Stalinist police state as Scotland’s future. (I kid you not, read them through!).

This sh*t shows the nasty desperate side of British unionism and has nothing at all to do with Calman’s gentle mickey taking of Scotland.

In fact Britain DID pre-arrest people in dawn raids who they thought might protest at Thatcher’s funeral.   

Scotland needs independence to escape from bigotry, xenophobia and class hatred all of which are rife at Westminster. We (mostly) want a modern social democratic state on the Nordic model.
I’m sure that would suit Susan as well and she might well come to that conclusion if she thinks about who has tried to use her here to make a very  ill conceived attack on independence.