Why I’m supporting Kate Forbes as SNP leader

I put the following message on Kate’s Facebook page:

Scotland is a secular country and will remain such. Trying to force extreme Christianity on the rest of us wouldn’t work and would lead to oblivion for the SNP. I am glad you have apologised as your early remarks have hurt people who believe in equal marriage (which is most of, if not all the SNP).

Having seen your interview on Sky News however on children outside marriage I know your actual views have also been deliberately misrepresented in the press. They fear your abilities and intelligence.

We need a leader with fire in their belly who will encourage even more people to join the SNP and even more importantly make a coherent case for independence in the press and on TV. You are right that the best policies will come from our mass membership and that top down leadership won’t be the most effective.

The best leader represents the views of the members to the general public through their TV personality and ability to debate. I am an atheist but I share your desire for independence and believe you will represent all Scots as FM while pushing for our independence at every possible opportunity.

The case for independence is strong but will only be won with a united party leading the independence movement. The Greens have been good allies so try and keep them on side if you can. Also try and not get bogged down on TV debates with questions of faith, just outline your personal vision of a better country with independence. I know you have the potential to be a brilliant leader of the SNP.

Good luck Kate!